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To The Citizens of Groton, My name is Philip Marino, and I am a Boy Scout in Troop 3 Groton. For my Eagle Project, I have created a documentary of the Municipal Building Committee and their goal of determining the future use of the Prescott School Building. My goal was to provide a learning...
Dear Groton-Dunstable Community, I agree our district needs a comprehensive long-term plan.  But, let’s please not allow the current lack of that plan to delay restoring much needed services. Could we take a break from the slides and statistics, from the comparisons, test scores and levels for a...
Dear Editor: Where were the elderly and low-income people of Groton at last week’s town meeting? It was sad to watch those spendthrifts spend the town into oblivion. We all want the town’s children to have the best education possible, but to hopelessly mortgage one’s self to do so seems sort of...
Dear Editor, I am Rodney Hersh, one of your current GELD commissioners, and I am running for re-election to the GELD board of commissioners. I was initially elected to GELD in 1992 and have served since. During my 24 years with GELD, I have seen and helped accomplish many things. They include:...
Dear Editor, Nineteen ninety-six, 2008,and the Halloween of 2011, are storms that most people want to forget. Most storms to our west were out of power for weeks, causing many families to purchase generators to pump water. Most of these towns lost power due to untrimmed tree branches, felling wires...
Dear Groton Voters, We are submitting this letter of support for Marlena Gilbert, candidate for the Groton-Dunstable Regional School Committee as we thought it was important for Groton residents to know the level of commitment that Marlena brings to this position. After Marlena lost last year’s...
To the Editor:     I write in hearty support of Josh Degen’s candidacy for re-election to the Groton Board of Selectmen. Josh is perhaps the most dedicated public servant I have known. He attends more meetings and speaks with more public officials and public employees than most Selectmen have done...
Dear Editor: I’ve known Josh Degen since coming to Groton almost 16 years ago. I know him to be an honest, hardworking and caring person, who has, and will continue to work to improve the town of Groton in many ways. I will certainly be voting for him again, and I would encourage you to join me!...
Dear Editor: I am voting for Josh Degen for selectman. I do not agree with anyone 100 percent, including Josh, but I do respect his willingness to speak out on tough issues, even when he knows it’s politically unpopular and he will catch guff. I wish more people were willing to take that chance in...
Dear Editor, As many have noticed, we are entering a new era of management and leadership in the Groton Dunstable Regional School District. This new era has been characterized by sound strategic planning principles, including: data-driven assessment, vision-building, community engagement, and...


Groton Herald

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