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Cookies for Cassidy

Groton's Girl Scout Troop 70510 would like to thank the community for its strong show of support in visiting our "Cookies for Cassidy" event at Prescott Community Center this past Saturday, where visitors purchased Girl Scout cookies, made generous donations, and took ribbons to display in Cassidy Baracka's memory. Cassidy participated in many cookie booth sale events over these last few years, and she was an engaging and energetic little cookie seller. This event was helpful for her fellow Brownie scouts to process her loss, actively doing something for her that they would normally have done alongside her. The way the community came out in force is greatly appreciated. It is because of the tremendous community support that Troop 70510 will be able to make a substantial donation to the Cassidy Patrice Baracka Rainbow Brigade Fund created by her family.
     If you weren't able to join us, and would like to make a donation to the fund, which supports community services earmarked for children K-4 in the greater Groton area, you can do so here:
     Troop 70510 would also like to extend gratitude to the Flo- rence Roche-Boutwell PTA for donating ribbons, Prescott Community Center for allowing us to utilize their grounds, the Groton Department of Public Works for clearing the sidewalks from recent snow and ice, and to the Troops and leadership of the Nashaway Service Unit for their support of this fundraiser.
Groton Troop 70510

Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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