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Dunstable Legals

Dunstable Conservation Commission


   The Dunstable Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, January 23, 2023, at 6:35pm to consider a Notice of Intent filed by James & Pamela McCarthy for property owned by James A McCarthy Rev Tr. & Pamela G McCarthy Re. Tr. and located at 125 Thorndike St; Map 16, parcel 51 lot 0.  The McCarthy’s propose construction of a single-family home with associated driveway and sewage disposal system within the 100-ft. buffer zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland; including a wetland crossing for the driveway to gain access to the upland area at the rear of the lot. The NOI submission is also being made concurrently with the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. This is a joint hearing under the requirements of MGL Ch. 131 §40, as amended, and the Dunstable Wetlands Protection Bylaw and Regulations, as amended.  Plans are available at the Commission’s office at Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, MA. For information email:

Carol Rock, Admin Assistant

Conservation Commission

1/13/2023 I


Dunstable Conservation Commission 


   The Dunstable Conservation Commission (DCC) will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, December 12, 2022, 6:40pm to consider a Notice of Intent filed by the Town of Dunstable Conservation Commission for property owned by the Town of Dunstable and located at 673 Main St, Map 12, parcel 116 Lot 1.  The DCC is proposing construction of an elevated public boardwalk to link two adjacent conservation parcels currently divided by a bordering vegetated wetland. The boardwalk will provide a structurally safe wetland crossing that is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  This is a joint hearing under the requirements of MGL Ch. 131 §40, as amended, and the Dunstable Wetlands Protection Bylaw and Regulations, as amended.  Plans are available at the DCC office at Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, MA. For information email:

Carol Rock

Admin Assistant

Conservation Commission

12/2/2022 E


Town of Dunstable Public Hearing Tax Classification

   The Dunstable Board of Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 5 PM at the Dunstable Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, MA for the purposes of determining the percentages of the local tax levy to be borne by each class of property for the Fiscal Year 2023. This hearing is compliance with M.G.L Chapter 40, Section 56. Members of the public may be present and may present verbal or written comments prior to or at the hearing.

David DeManche,

Interim Town Administrator 

November 18 and 22, 2022 G



Dunstable Planning Board


   The Dunstable Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 21st at 6:40pm at the Dunstable Town Hall, 511 Main Street, lower level, regarding the application by Ellen Logiodice for a Special Permit under Section 11.7 of the Town of Dunstable Zoning Bylaw.  The applicant wishes to create a backland lot and construct a single-family dwelling on the westerly side of River Street, south of dwelling #245. The subject parcel contains 5.16 acres with 50’ of frontage on River Street, Dunstable, MA assessor’s map 2 block/lot 7, and is located in the R-1 Residential zone. Owner of the property is Ronald & Ann Patenaude, 158 River Street, Dunstable, MA 01827.

   If you would like to review the application and plan submitted, please contact Carol Rock ( or call 978-649-4514 to schedule a time to come to Town Hall.  


Carol A. Rock

Administrative Assistant

Planning Board

11/4, 11/11/2022C

Dunstable Planning Board


   The Dunstable Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 21st at 6:40pm at the Dunstable Town Hall, 511 Main Street, lower level, regarding the application by Ellen Logiodice for a Special Permit under Section 11.7 of the Town of Dunstable Zoning Bylaw.  The applicant wishes to create a backland lot and construct a single-family dwelling on the westerly side of River Street, south of dwelling #245. The subject parcel contains 5.16 acres with 50’ of frontage on River Street, Dunstable, MA assessor’s map 2 block/lot 7, and is located in the R-1 Residential zone. Owner of the property is Ronald & Ann Patenaude, 158 River Street, Dunstable, MA 01827.

   If you would like to review the application and plan submitted, please contact Carol Rock ( or call 978-649-4514 to schedule a time to come to Town Hall.  


Carol A. Rock

Administrative Assistant

Planning Board

11/4, 11/11/2022C


The Dunstable Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 7 at 7:00pm at the Dunstable Town Hall, 511 Main Street, lower level, regarding the application by Thaddeus & Olga Wood for a Special Permit under Section 22.C.4 Town Center District Requirement of the Town of Dunstable Zoning Bylaw.  The applicant requests to re-open the shop building as a bookstore, called Wickham & Willoughby, which in addition to books, will also sell complementary gifts. The applicants are not making any modifications or additions to the shop building and adjacent grounds as when last operating at 519 Main Street, Dunstable, MA parcel 17-113-0; which is located in the R-1 Residential zone/Town Center Overlay District.  Owner of the property is Thaddeus & Olga Wood, 519 Main St, Dunstable, MA 01827.

If you would like to review the application, please contact Carol Rock ( or call 978-649-4514 to schedule a time to come into Town Hall.  


Carol A. Rock

Administrative Assistant

Planning Board

10/21/22, 10/28/22 A



The Dunstable Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 7 at 7:00 pm at the Dunstable Town Hall, 511 Main Street, lower level, regarding the application by Thaddeus & Olga Wood for a Special Permit under Section 22.C.4 Town Center District Requirement of the Town of Dunstable Zoning Bylaw.  The applicant requests to re-open the shop building as a bookstore, called Wickham & Willoughby, which in addition to books, will also sell complementary gifts. The applicants are not making any modifications or additions to the shop building and adjacent grounds as when last operating at 519 Main Street, Dunstable, MA parcel 17-113-0; which is located in the R-1 Residential zone/Town Center Overlay District.  Owner of the property is Thaddeus & Olga Wood, 519 Main St, Dunstable, MA 01827.    

If you would like to review the application, please contact Carol Rock ( or call 978-649-4514 to schedule a time to come into Town Hall.  


Carol A. Rock

Administrative Assistant

Planning Board

10/21/22, 10/28/22 H

Dunstable Conservation Commission


   The Dunstable Conservation Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, October 24, 2022, 6:40pm to consider an Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation (ANRAD) filed by Fieldstone Land Consultants for property owned by Benjamin Moore and located at 47 Thorndike Street, Map 16, Lot 14.  Mr. Moore seeks to confirm wetland boundaries delineated on the property and shown on accompanying plans. This is a joint hearing under the requirements of MGL Ch. 131 §40, as amended, and the Dunstable Wetlands Protection Bylaw and Regulations, as amended.  Plans are available at the Commission’s office at Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, MA. For information email:

Carol A. Rock

Administrative Assistant

Conservation Commission

10/14/2022 E




Long-Term Lease of Land for Rental Housing Development

   Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30B, § 16, the Town of Dunstable is requesting sealed proposals for the development of rental housing on Town-owned land. The Town intends that the selected developer will propose approximately 40 rental housing units with 25-percent restricted as affordable and all dwelling units qualifying for the state’s subsidized housing inventory. The Town expects to enter a land development agreement and a 99-year lease with the selected developer. 

   The Town-owned property is a 28.5-acre parcel located at 160-164 Pleasant Street and identified on Assessor’s Map 12 as Lots 48 and 49-1. The property is located in the Town’s Mixed Use Zoning District.

   The Request for Proposal Package (RFP) containing information relative to the submission requirements will be available at

on August 17, 2022 and at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town of Dunstable, Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts 01827, and available via email to

   Sealed proposals will be received at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town of Dunstable, Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts 01827 until 2:00 pm, on October 18, 2022. Ten (10) hard copies of the proposal must be delivered in a sealed package, plainly marked “160-164 Pleasant Street Development Proposal” along with a USB flash drive with files in PDF format.

   All proposals shall remain in effect for a period of 120 calendar days from the deadline for submission, or until a land development agreement is signed by a selected developer and the Town, or this Request for Proposals is cancelled, whichever occurs first.

   The Town of Dunstable reserves the right to cancel the RFP, reject any or all proposals, waive any informalities in the proposals, and to accept the proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. A land development agreement and lease will be awarded by the Board of Selectmen, if at all, to the responsive and responsible developer whose proposal is deemed by the Town to be the most advantageous, taking into consideration price, the evaluation criteria included in the RFP, and the results of an interview process with the Board of Selectmen. The RFP and supporting documentation do not constitute an offer or  agreement to lease the property. Such an offer and agreement may result only from the execution of a land development agreement and lease by the Town’s Board of Selectmen.

9/2 and 9/9/2022 C




Long-Term Lease of Land for Rental Housing Development

   Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30B, § 16, the Town of Dunstable is requesting sealed proposals for the development of rental housing on Town-owned land. The Town intends that the selected developer will propose approximately 40 rental housing units with 25-percent restricted as affordable and all dwelling units qualifying for the state’s subsidized housing inventory. The Town expects to enter a land development agreement and a 99-year lease with the selected developer. 

   The Town-owned property is a 28.5-acre parcel located at 160-164 Pleasant Street and identified on Assessor’s Map 12 as Lots 48 and 49-1. The property is located in the Town’s Mixed Use Zoning District.

   The Request for Proposal Package (RFP) containing information relative to the submission requirements will be available at

on August 17, 2022 and at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town of Dunstable, Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts 01827, and available via email to

   Sealed proposals will be received at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town of Dunstable, Town Hall, 511 Main Street, Dunstable, Massachusetts 01827 until 2:00 pm, on October 18, 2022. Ten (10) hard copies of the proposal must be delivered in a sealed package, plainly marked “160-164 Pleasant Street Development Proposal” along with a USB flash drive with files in PDF format.

   All proposals shall remain in effect for a period of 120 calendar days from the deadline for submission, or until a land development agreement is signed by a selected developer and the Town, or this Request for Proposals is cancelled, whichever occurs first.

   The Town of Dunstable reserves the right to cancel the RFP, reject any or all proposals, waive any informalities in the proposals, and to accept the proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Town. A land development agreement and lease will be awarded by the Board of Selectmen, if at all, to the responsive and responsible developer whose proposal is deemed by the Town to be the most advantageous, taking into consideration price, the evaluation criteria included in the RFP, and the results of an interview process with the Board of Selectmen. The RFP and supporting documentation do not constitute an offer or  agreement to lease the property. Such an offer and agreement may result only from the execution of a land development agreement and lease by the Town’s Board of Selectmen.

9/2 and 9/9/2022 C



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