Dunstable Planning Board PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
The Dunstable Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing, on Monday, October 16, 2023 at 7:00 p.m in the Dunstable Town Hall, 511 Main Street, lower level. This hearing will be regarding proposed amendments to the “Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Dunstable” pursuant to Chapter 40A, Section 5, of the Massachusetts General Laws, as follows:
1) Amending the Zoning Bylaws SECTION 22. TOWN CENTER DISTRICT, C. “Uses Permitted by Special Permit:” to include:
• Conversion of existing buildings for the sale of alcohol products for off premise consumption to be limited to one establishment in the TCD. The sale of nips (spirits sold in the volume or 2oz. or less), cigarettes, and lottery tickets are prohibited.
Anyone wishing to be heard on these matters should appear at the time and place specified above. Complete text and map of the Town Center Zoning District may be viewed at the Dunstable Town Hall, Office of the Board of Selectmen, 511 Main Street, Dunstable. Please call for appointment or come in during office hours.
9/29 and 10/6/2023