1. Financial Strain on Households The rejection of the tax override underscores the financial strain many Groton taxpayers face. Despite the town’s high per-capita income, a significant portion of the community can no longer handle ever-steeper increases in their property tax. While Groton...
Once upon a time in a land far, far away there was a beloved institution known to its people as Bedford Falls Hospital. This special place for healing served the good people of Bedford Falls with dedication and care. They were proud of the hospital. Its walls echoed with the sounds of recovery, and...
The Planning Board’s frustration over low turnout and engagement at their community forums on the Master Plan is understandable, but blaming the public misses the mark. The real issue lies in the Planning Board and Barrett Consulting Group’s failure to explain the master plan process and its...
As we approach the 248th anniversary of our country’s Declaration of Independence, Retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Walter Hitchcock's statement, “Freedom is not free,” resonates powerfully. Despite decades of peace and prosperity, it is essential for us to reflect on the sacrifices that have secured...
At the top of the front page of every edition of this newspaper, the parts-per-million of CO2 equivalents for each week are shown. It is shocking to see the part-per-million creep relentlessly upward month-by-month, year-by-year so that the atmosphere now contains about 55% more CO2 than it did...
As the future of Nashoba Valley Medical Center (NVMC) hangs in the balance, the next few weeks will be critical in determining its fate. The hope is that a responsible new operator will be identified to ensure this vital hospital continues to serve the public health needs of our community....
Groton, like most cities and towns in Massachusetts, is facing a fiscal shortfall. Insufficient Chapter 70 school funding by the state, based upon a 4.5 percent inflation rate when the actual inflation rate hit eight percent, combined with a decline in enrollment, has left the town and School...
In the process of selecting candidates for critical roles like superintendent of schools, community engagement and transparent communication are essential. Unfortunately, the School Committee made no effort to publicize the venue and timing of the current superintendent interviews beyond the direct...
There is a proposal before the Select Board to transfer Groton dispatch services into a shared regional dispatch center in Pepperell. This proposal raises concerns about a potential decline in our town’s high-quality public-safety system. In our view, maintaining a dedicated and responsible public...
by Joshua Vollmar
“We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us.” So said Winston Churchill in 1943. Our built environment molds our lives in innumerable ways; locally, our town, created over centuries, is the backdrop of our daily life. But what if a different vision for the town center...