Opened in 1907 On Main Street, Groton Hospital Had 25 Beds, Gas Lighting & An Elevator!

Two photos (top and middle) of Groton Hospital at 240 Main Street, circa 1910. Photos Courtesy of Groton History Center

Dr. Arthur Goss Kilbourn, a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard College, and the Harvard Medical School is pictured here in a pensive mood, prerhaps considering whether he should establish a hospital in town. Dr. Kilbourn had been working as a physician in Groton since 1905. Convinced there was enough demand in Groton for a private hospital, he purchased the property at 240 Main Street - later the site of Donelans Market and now the new home of Kilbourn Place - to establish a 25-bed hospital with the latest conveniences like acetylene lighting and a hand-operated elevator. Photo courtesy Gus Widmaye