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Groton Legals

Groton Conservation Commission
In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L Ch. 131, Sec. 40 and the Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Groton Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held on Zoom to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) filed by Laurence Hurley and Cathy Berse-Hurley for the construction of a new deck at 315 Lost Lake Drive (Groton Assessor’s Parcel 129-44). Please see events/ for details regarding Zoom meeting information.
Copies of the RDA are on file with the Conservation Commis- sion and can be requested by emailing: conservation@groton- or calling 978-448-1106.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hurley, Chairman
Groton Conservation Commission
4/15/2022 C
After a duly posted Public Hearing on March 4th and continued on March 11th, 2022 the Sewer Commission voted the following sewer rate/fee increases to the Center Sewer District and the Four Corner Sewer District. For the Groton Center Sewer District, the Commission voted to incorporate a quarterly Capital Charge of $22.00 per Residential Customers, a quarterly Capital Charge of $30.00 for Small Commercial Users and a quarterly Capital Charge $47.00 for Large Commercial Users to be used for the Pepperell Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade.
     In addition, the Commission voted the following increases to sewer rates for: Tier #1 to $8.86 per unit for units 0-15; Tier #2 - $18.55 per unit for sewer units 16-30; Tier #3 – $20.41 per unit for sewer units 31-45; and for Tier #4 - $22.46 per unit for all units greater than 46 units. The Minimum sewerage Usage Fee shall be $8.86. The Connection Fee is now $7,500.00 per Equivalent Residential Unit. The new sewer rate /fees shall become effective as of April 1st, 2022.
     For the Four Corners Sewer District, the Commission voted the following increases to sewer rates for: Tier #1 to $12.69 per unit for units 0-15; Tier #2 - $17.71 per unit for sewer units 16-30; Tier #3 – $19.49 per unit for sewer units 31-45; and for Tier #4 - $21.44 per unit for all units greater than 46 units. The Minimum sewerage Usage Fee shall be $12.69.
     The new sewer rate/fees shall become effective as of April 1st, 2022.
Groton Sewer Commission 4/8/2022 G
Planning Board
Public Hearing Notice
Citizens’ Petition Zoning Amendment -
Definition of Age-Restricted Housing
In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 40A, §§ 5 and 11, the Groton Planning Board will hold a virtual public hearing via Zoom on Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 7:00 PM, to consider an amendment to the Groton Zoning Bylaw, Chapter 218, as proposed by a Citizens’ Petition submitted by Jeffrey Brem. The proposed amendment would change the definition of Age-Restricted Housing in Section 218-3 by reducing the percentage of affordable housing required in a development that utilizes the provisions of the Age-Restricted Housing Bylaw, Section 218-9.3B.
     You may attend this virtual public hearing using the following Zoom access information.
Zoom link: https:// 88428671435
Webinar ID: 884 2867 1435
By Telephone: 1 312 626 6799 or 1 929 205 6099
     Copies of the proposed zoning amendments are on file in the Town Clerk’s office in the Town Hall. The Town of Groton does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Further, a signed translation of this public hearing will be provided for the hearing impaired upon request by contacting the ADA Coordinator at (978) 448-1105 at least one week prior to the hearing.
Groton Historic Districts Commission
111 Farmers Row, ASSESSORS MAP 107-01
In accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40C, the Groton Historic Districts Commission (GHDC) will hold a virtual Public Hearing via Zoom on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 7:30 pm. This meeting will be held to consider the application submitted by applicant, David E. Ross Associates, seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for 111 Farmers Row, Assessors Map 107-01, for the construction of a new single-family residential dwelling. Copies of the application and supporting materials are available for review by contacting the GHDC via the Land Use Dept, 2nd floor of the Town Hall.
     You may attend this virtual public hearing using the following Zoom access information.
• • • •
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 863 7615 9266
Passcode: 517820
By telephone: 1 (929) 205-6099
Peter Benedict, Chair
Historic Districts Commission
Groton Historic Districts Commission
20 Station Ave, ASSESSORS MAP 113-59-0
In accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Code of The Town of Groton, Chapter 196-8 Unique and Special Circumstances, the Groton Historic Districts Commission (GHDC) will hold a virtual Public Hearing via Zoom on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 7:45 pm. This meeting will be held to consider the Sign Permit Application submitted by applicant, Station House Restaurant, 20 Station Ave, Assessors Map 113-59-0. Copies of the application and supporting materials are available for review by contacting the GHDC via the Land Use Dept, 2nd floor of the Town Hall.
     You may attend this virtual public hearing using the following Zoom access information.
• Zoom link:
• Meeting ID: 863 7615 9266
• Passcode: 517820
• By telephone: 1(929) 205-6099
• Peter Benedict, Chair
Historic Districts Commission
4/1, 4/8 C
Groton Historic Districts Commission
108 Pleasant St, ASSESSORS MAP 109-43
In accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40C, the Groton Historic Districts Commission (GHDC) will hold a virtual Public Hearing via Zoom on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 7:55 pm. This meeting will be held to consider the application submitted by owner, Daniel and Jennifer Moore, seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for 108 Pleasant Street, Assessors Map 109-43, to replace the roof on the dwelling and barn with asphalt shingles; replace rotted wood deck boards on front porch with composite; and build a small fenced area. Copies of the application and supporting materials are available for review by contacting the GHDC via the Land Use Dept, 2nd floor of the Town Hall.
     You may attend this virtual public hearing using the following Zoom access information.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 863 7615 9266
Passcode: 517820
By telephone: 1(929) 205-6099
Peter Benedict, Chair
Historic Districts Commission
Groton Historic Districts Commission
71 Main Street ASSESSORS MAP 113-13
In accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40C, the Groton Historic Districts Commission (GHDC) will hold a virtual Public Hearing via Zoom on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 7:40 pm. This meeting will be held to consider the application submitted by owner, Christopher and Audrey Woitowicz, seeking a Certificate of Appropriateness for 71 Main Street, Assessors Map 113-13, to remove a chimney from the right side of the home and to install lattice at base of the porch. Copies of the application and supporting materials are available for review by contacting the GHDC via the Land Use Dept, 2nd floor of the Town Hall. You may attend this virtual public hearing using the following Zoom access information.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 863 7615 9266
Passcode: 517820
By telephone: 1 (929) 205-6099
Peter Benedict, Chair
Historic Districts Commission
Groton Conservation Commission
Public Hearing Notice
In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L Ch. 131, Sec. 40 and the Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Groton Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 6:55 p.m. The meeting will be held on Zoom to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) filed by Joseph & Paula Fischetti for the replacement of a failed sewage disposal system at 36 Throne Hill Road (Groton Assessor’s Parcel 213-51). Please see events/ for details regarding Zoom meeting information.
     Copies of the RDA are on file with the Conservation Commission and can be requested by emailing: or calling 978-448-1106.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hurley, Chairman
Groton Conservation Commission
4/1/2022 G
Earth Removal-Stormwater Advisory Committee
Public Hearing Continuation
32 Court Street
You may attend this virtual public hearing using the following Zoom access information:
• Zoom link: https:// 82373916436?pwd=WWdtO Ek0YVFDdDgxOUNnWkh DTjYzUT09
• Meeting ID: 823 7391 6436 
• Passcode: 853365
• By Telephone: 1 312 626 6799 or 1 929 205 6099
In accordance with the provisions of the Code of the Town of Groton, Chapter 198, the Earth Removal Stormwater Advisory Committee will hold a continuation of the public hearing on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 7:00 PM to consider the application submitted by Platt Builders, Inc. for approval of a Full Stormwater Management Permit to construct a 12,500 square-foot building and associated parking, driveways, stormwater management system, and landscaping as shown on the plan entitled, “Site Plan, 32 Court Street, Groton, Massachusetts,” prepared by Dillis and Roy, dated January 14, 2022. The property, owned by Anne Elliot, is located on Assessors Map 113, Parcel 76, on the westerly side of Court Street.
     Copies of the application and plan are on file in the Land Use Department in the Town Hall. The Town of Groton does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Further, a signed translation of this public hearing will be provided for the hearing impaired upon request by contacting the Planning Board at (978) 448-1105 at least ten days prior to the hearing.
Earth Removal Stormwater Advisory Committee
Eileen McHugh, Chairwoman
3/25/22 B
Groton Conservation Commission
In accordance with the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L Ch. 131, Sec. 40 and the Groton Wetlands Protection Bylaw, the Groton Conservation Commission will hold a virtual public meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 6:45 p.m. The meeting will be held on Zoom to consider a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) filed by Brian Bishop for the installation of a storage shed at 40 Mountain Lakes Trail (Groton Assessor’s Parcel 129-141).      Please see https://www.groton- for details re- garding Zoom meeting information.
     Copies of the RDA are on file with the Conservation Commission and can be requested by emailing: conservation@groton- or calling 978-448-1106.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hurley, Chairman
Groton Conservation Commission
3/25/2022 F


Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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