Notice of Availability
Environmental Assessment
for the Area Development Plan Updates
Fort Devens, Massachusetts
Installation Management Command (IMCOM) and Fort Devens Reserve Forces Training Area (RFTA)
SUMMARY: An Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared to analyze the impacts that could result from the implementation of the 2021 Area Development Plan (ADP), which provides updates to the 2013 ADP for Fort Devens RFTA, Devens, Massachusetts. The ADP Update enables Fort Devens RFTA to make the best use of available land and facilities to support the Army Reserve mission and ensures future operational requirements are met. The EA considers the potential consequences to the human and natural environment associated with the proposed updates to the 2013 (ADP) for Devens (RFTA). The 2021 ADP Update presents the following: 1) an overall vision statement, goals, and objectives for the installation; 2) requirements for facilities and infrastructure projects based on current conditions, mission and base personnel; 3) an evaluation of potential courses of action to address defined requirements and deficiencies; and 4) a preferred alternative for short-mid and long-term actions and capital projects.
DATES: Agencies and the public are encouraged to provide written comments on the Draft EA and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI). The Draft EA and Draft FNSI are available for 30 days of public review and comment at the following libraries:
Albert J Sargent Memorial Library Ayer Library
Fitchburg Public Library
Groton Public Library
Harvard Public Library
Hazen Memorial Library
J.V. Fletcher Library
The Lawrence Library
Leominster Public Library
Lunenburg Public Library
Rueben Hoar Public Library
The 30-day public comment period for the Draft EA ends on 04/06/2022.
ADDRESSES: Further information, including an electronic copy of the Draft EA, may be found online on the following website: devens/index.php
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Addition Contact Information: 816-384-1960.
Dated: March 2, 2022.
3/4/2022 G