LOCAL: Friends of NVMC Boutique Sales, and Call for Volunteers
These sales feature crafters and vendors selling items such as jewelry, clothing, spices, gifts and much more. The sales provide scholarships to benefit students in all of our area towns and provide funds for local Councils on Aging, sales are held in Conference Room 2, near the Gift Shop on the following days, March 12 "Jewelry from Diane"; March 27 "Sparkles" Women's clothing; April 10 "Shaker Kitchen" Long time favorite food & gifts; April 11 "Pretty Things" Clothing; April 25 "Roz's Roadhouse" Leather, jewelry; May 9 "Sparkles"
Friends of Nashoba Valley Medical Center are looking for Volunteers for their expanded Gift Shop. The hospital serves 11 towns and we enjoy meeting and working with volunteers from our area towns. Volunteers provide an invaluable service and there is no better place to help. If you have four hours a week to spare and enjoy meeting people, call Terry McPartlan at 978-433-9199 or Norma Garvin at 978-877-1086, we look forward to hearing from you.