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What is a “natural community”? It is a group of plants and animals that occur in a particular location and point in time. Scientists have been able to identify recurring patterns of these occurrences, and have created a system for classifying them. And it turns out that there are more than 100...
Harlan is nestled beneath the majestic oaks.  White oak (Quercus alba) is the predominate treearound Harlan.  White oak is the classic eastern oak.  The leaves are distinctive.  Like most oaks they are long and elliptical with up to nine lobes.  However the tips are rounded.  This distinguishes...
Nashoba Associated Boards of Health, with Groton Board of Health, announces a Well Adult Clinic will be held Thursday, Aug. 11, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Senior Center, 163 West Main St. GrotonBlood pressure, pulse screening and diet teaching. No appointment necessary. For info contact Nashoba...
The Groton Council on Aging is sponsoring a Guided Lighthouse trip on Monday, Sept. 12.  The guided tour includes; Portland light, Nubble Light, Portsmouth Harbor Light, 2 hours free time in Old Portland, dinner at Warren Lobster and coach bus transportation. The trip is open to all adults...
Harlan has moved to another Groton Conservation Trust property. He finds places where he can see the trail so you can be sure and see him from the trail. This time it was 12:00 noon and the sun was shining on this big boulder.  Harlan took a fancy to the boulder and decided to rest next to it and...
American Legion Post #55 has arranged for free transportation to Waltham to accommodate any veteran and their family members who wish to visit the “The Moving Wall”- a half-size replica of the Washington, DC Vietnam Veterans Memorial that has been touring the country for over 30 years. The bus will...
Grotonfest 2016 will take place Saturday, September 24 on Legion Common in Groton from 10:30 -4:30. Booths galore,  Artisans, Non-Profits, Businesses and Demonstrators , great food and terrific performances featuring Fiddlin’ Quinn And His Big Folks Band; Magician C.J. Diamond; Blues performer...
Cooperative Elder Services, Inc. (CESI) has launched Groton’s first Memory Café program, a monthly gathering to provide support, stimulation, and education for individuals and families in Nashoba Valley living with memory impairment. CESI’s Memory Cafés provide opportunities for people affected by...
In its ongoing efforts to prevent the spread of invasive water chestnuts on the Nashua River, the Nashua River Watershed Association (NRWA) is organizing a series of small group paddles to scout for and pull the plant in various sections of the river. These guided paddles will take place Thursday,...
Harlan still has not been found. He is not on one of the marked trails. There are marked trails on this Groton Conservation Trust property but that is not where Harlan is.  The Groton trails committee uses white circular markers with green arrow to designate the main thru trail on conservation...


Groton Herald

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[Prescott Community Center]

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