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SURRENDEN FARM, SABINE WOODS TRAILS Groton Trails Committee and AMC Trail Hike, Sunday, June 14, 1-3 p.m. at Surrenden Farm/Sabine Woods. Open field, upland woods, and Nashua river habitat. Meet at trail kiosk on Shirley Road off Farmer's Row. 42.5866N 71.5947W Olin Lathrop. 978-...
On Saturday, June 20, the Friends of the Groton Elders are again sponsoring a FREE shredding event from 9 AM until 12 noon at the New Life Community Church parking lot (formerly Sacred Heart Church), Main St., Groton. Gather old bank statements, tax paper, etc. and see them shredded. Everyone...
Volunteers are needed Saturday, June 27, 9 a.m. to noon in Pepperell to help scout and pull water chestnuts, an invasive exotic weed, from Nashua River. Gathering baskets and maps will be provided. Nashoba Paddler LLC in West Groton will provide a limited number of canoes for use at no charge on...
The Friends of Groton Elders Talk with Tom discussion group led by Tom Hartnett will be held Monday, June 22, 10:30 am at Groton Senior Center. Tom will lead a discussion on Groton's  past year and suggestions for Groton's Future Join us for coffee and bring your questions and concerns. Open to...
Groton-Pepperell Rotary Club will treat Groton seniors to a delicious, hearty breakfast at the Council on Aging Friday, June 26 at 10 a.m. Following breakfast the United Native American Culture Center will make a presentation on Native American traditions. This event is free. Make reservations by...
Wilderness Summer Survival Week, ages 11 to 14, Tues.-Fri., June 23- June 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Four adventurous, action-packed days of hiking, paddling Squannacook River, developing summer survival skills, and exploring inner world of our local river, woodlands and fields while making new friends....
The Natural Market, 148 Main St., Groton, will hold a workshop free and open to the public, Wed., June 10, 7-8 p.m. Teacher Eric Reardon will help participants discover how functional medicine benefits many conditions including fatigue, mood disorders, and hormone imbalances. Call 978.448.5075 to...
Groton Greenway River Festival Sunday, June 7, 11AM -4PM, sponsored by Groton Greenway Committee. The Festival returns with the famous cardboard canoe races. All events free. Canoeing all day courtesy of Nashoba Paddler LLC, environmental displays and children's activities, and musical guests...
Groton Well Adult Clinic Nashoba Associated Boards of Health, and Groton Board of Health announces that a Well Adult Clinic will be held Thurs., June 11, 11:30-1 at the Senior Center, 163 West Main St. Groton. Drop in for blood pressure, pulse screening and diet teaching. No appointment necessary...
FRIDAY • Free Dinner, Live Music, and Good Company All are welcome to Groton Community Dinner Friday, May 29 held at First Parish Church, intersection of Rtes. 40/119, Groton. Dinner served continuously 5:45-7 p.m. Join in for live music from Indian Hill Jazz Ensemble, delicious food, and good...


Groton Herald

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P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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