Groton Democratic and Republican Town Committees will be co-sponsoring a candidates' night for the local non-partisan elections Tuesday, May 5, at 7:30 p.m. at Groton Senior Center, West Main St.
The geometry of nature is very different from the geometry we all learned in school. As Benoit Mandelbrot observed, "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line." Mandelbrot and many other...
Gibbet Hill Grill in Groton is participating in the sixteenth annual Boston Bakes for Breast Cancer from May 4 through Mother's Day on May 10. Treat the special women in your life to decadent desserts while also helping fight breast cancer.
Gibbet Hill Grill joins more than 250 other restaurants...
The Groton Republican Town Committee will be holding a meeting Wednesday, May 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Center. Several business items will come before the Committee, and there are many issues to be discussed within the town, state, and nationally. All are welcome and your participation in the...
The annual luncheon and last meeting of the year for the Groton Woman's Club will be held Friday, May 8, at Devens Common, starting at 11:30 a.m. Following the luncheon there will be a brief business meeting and installation of officers.
Friends of Groton Elders and Groton Council on Aging are co-sponsoring a trip to Tanglewood Sunday, July 26 for Boston Symphony "All Mozart" program. Through the generosity of Friends of Groton Elders cost is only $72 for seniors, $97 non-seniors and includes transportation, concert, dinner and...
The public is invited to a presentation on the Ancient Art of Dowsing at Groton Grange #7, Tues., May 12, at 7:30 p.m. Dowsing, also known as doodlebugging, and water witching, is a skill used to locate ground water, buried metal, grave sites, and other lost items, using a divining rod.
The Friends of Groton Elders Talk with Tom Discussion Group led by Tom Hartnett Monday, April 27, 10:30 am at Groton Senior Center. Please join Tom who will lead a discussion on Groton Happenings and Town Meeting. Please join us for coffee and bring your questions and concerns. Open to everyone.
Join Mark Archambault of Nashua River Watershed Association on a free guided Bird Walk Sat., May 2, 7-10:30 a.m. whether your interest is newly found, or you're an experienced birder. We'll look for a variety of species, discuss habitat needs, and what makes our watershed valuable to these...
Groton Democratic Town Committee will hold its monthly meeting Sunday, April 26, 4 p.m. at Legion Hall, 75 Hollis St. All Democrats welcome for lively discussion of ssues of the day and planning for 2015. For more info contact: GrotonDTC@gmail.com or www. Democracy.Com/GrotonDemocrats.