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Please Support Josh Degen for Selectman

Dear Editor:

One has to respect and admire those individuals who are prepared to give a considerable amount of their time to help run our town. Josh Degen is one such man. He has served on the Groton Board of Selectmen for several years, and we believe he deserves the support of the townspeople by being reelected by them this year.


We have to say that we do not always agree with Josh. He can be somewhat outspoken, but that's OK! It's because he cares passionately about the town of Groton and the people that live here. What no one can accuse him of is not caring!


We will be voting once again for Josh, and we urge Groton residents to help reelect Josh this time around.


David and Shannon Wheeler

Hayden Road

Groton Herald

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 610, Groton, Massachusetts 01450

145 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 014510
[Prescott Community Center]

Telephone: 978-448-6061

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