I am absolutely stunned and devastated to hear about the fire that occurred on the Herb Lyceum property. This venue was one of the best places to take visitors to, their food is fantastic and so is their staff! I hope they’re able to rebuild and continue their farm dinners and other wonderful...
The Groton Select Board changed putting the question of taking down the West Groton dam on the Warrant from the Spring town meeting to this coming fall town meeting October 5.
Tomorrow night is the reading of the Warrant to the public.
This Warrant does not give the information that at the...
Groton has been ahead of the game when it comes to recycling, but there’s one prickly issue that’s starting to needle its way into our lives—sharps disposal. With more people relying on prescription drugs that require self-injections, it’s high time we addressed the growing pile of potentially...
To whom it may concern (seems no one):
I wake up daily to check the news hoping a miracle would have happened overnight re: Nashoba Valley Medical Center, Ayer. To no avail. The days are ticking down.
My thoughts are these: During COVID when we were all masked for what seemed like forever,...
The deer path across from our home on Hoyt’s Wharf Road is about to be obliterated by the Affordable Housing Trust. In this forest we have watched fauns take their first steps and stags fighting for a mate. A dozen deer use it as a daily walkway to our land and beyond.
In its place, an 8-...
There are three juvenile Red-shouldered Hawks (Buteo lineatus) hanging around in our backyard in Groton Woods. One of them decided to land on the deck just long enough for me to take the cellphone out.
Hope the readers would be interested.
Geewa Gunawarana
Duck Pond Drive
Tiny turtle hatchlings, no larger than a quarter, have begun to emerge from their underground nests! Over the next month, please watch for them as they leave from tiny holes in garden beds, road shoulders, and sandy slopes. They travel great distances when making their perilous journey to safe...
Unsurprisingly, it’s déjà vu all over again. Yes, my faithful reader, it’s time to once again analyze published numbers from the Town of Groton, to disclose spreadsheet flaws, to reveal incorrect conclusions, and to publicize the truth.
In the same issue of the Groton Herald that included my...
Mr. Fitzgerald seems to be somewhat confused. He seems to feel that he has some standing to speak on behalf of the residents of Groton. Perhaps he meant to say that he speaks on behalf of some of the residents of Groton and left out the word some. For example, he doesn’t speak for me.
I would...
The Select Board is considering a “home rule petition” to give municipalities authority to tax non-profits.
This effort would be disastrous!
For centuries, the private schools have contributed in various ways to the quality of life in Groton.
“In Kind” contributions very often outweigh...