Haddad Wants Formal Investigation of Chairman Degen [with video]
Groton Board of Selectman Chairman Josh Degen opened Monday night's Board meeting by reading an email that Town Manager Mark Haddad sent to the other four members of the Board requesting a formal investigation of Chairman Degen.
In addition to this email, Mr. Haddad sent a letter to The Groton Herald which begins: "Mr. Degen," and includes the statement: "There is no smoking gun here Mr. Degen." That letter is printed at the end of this article.
Dated March 8 11:58 reads;
"Good Morning Ms. Eliot, Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Schulman and Mr. Petropoulos:
Please consider this email as a request for a formal investigation as to why I am hearing about potential Board action against me as an employee of the Town from residents of the Town. Specifically, Mr. Robert Flynn, who has a citizens' petition article on the Warrant to direct the Board not to renew my contract, sent a text message to a resident of the Town stating 'wait until Monday's article comes out, someone is going to get fired and it isn't going to be funny.'
When I sent a text message to the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen asking him to enlighten me, he did not respond, but sent a cryptic email saying he could not enlighten me and requested that Town Counsel be present at Monday's meeting. It appears he is discussing personnel matters with a resident who has submitted an article to end my career with the Town of Groton.
As I consider this extremely important, I would respectfully request that this be investigated immediately."
After he read the email, Degen then recused himself from the ensuing discussion as Town Counsel Brian Maser talked to the Board.
Maser told the Board, "This has just presented itself dealing with certain allegations of certain actions taken by the Chair by the Town Manager. My recommendation is if you are going to do anything with respect to the Town Manager's request to initiate this investigation into this that there be more of an opportunity for more of a specific statement to members of the Board and that the requisite notice be presented to Mr. Degen. He can request to waive his right to have a meeting held in executive session - then it could be discussed in open session."
"For the purposes of moving through this and for the purpose of getting all of the information so the Board can make a fully informed decision as to whether or not to initiate anything I think you need an additional period of time to get something more definitive from the town manager as to what exactly and specifically he is presenting as the basis for the investigation and a call for an investigation."
For purposes that everything is presented at one time, there should be opportunity for the Town Manager to reduce his issue to writing and not by email and that Mr. Degen get requisite notice. "Then board can meet and then make a determination on what step it wants to take at that time."
Maser said that Chairman Degen indicated to him verbally that he wants this to be conducted in open session.
Maser indicated that the next step was for the Town Manager to get this information to the Board.
Mr. Degen:
My email below is an accurate accounting of what took place. I find it very concerning that Town residents are privy to information related to this matter and your intended action, yet you are unable to "enlighten" me at this time? Please know, if your intent is to take some action against me and not to clear up this situation as you state below, then you must provide me with at least 48 hours of notice in writing. I will need this notice to arrange for legal representation since it appears you are not interested in the facts, but some other personal agenda.
I have repeatedly explained what happened and why I requested the authorization of funds in the amount of $3,000 for this video. Had you stayed at the meeting last Monday and inquired further you would have learned that Selectman Eliot had spoken to Mr Melpignano and although there was an estimate of $6,500, the bill in my possession was for $3,000. At no time was there any misrepresentation of what transpired. Mr. Melpignano...should have clarified at the meeting that Selectman Eliot was negotiating with him and there was no agreement to pay $6,500. I did not have a final price at Monday's meeting.
There is no smoking gun here Mr. Degen. An estimate from Mr. Melpignano is not a bill. It is an estimate. Had the final price exceeded the $3,000 that the Board approved after you left the meeting, I would have gone back to the Board of Selectmen for final approval for the full amount.
It is appalling that an effort to create a video to inform the public is going to be used to promote the agenda of a select few in the Town of Groton, I, too, have reviewed the video of last week's meeting several times and am prepared to discuss this further. In fact, I have via email and during several phone conversations discussed with Selectman Degen the entire situation. It appears that Mr. Degen is attempting to make something out of this that does not exist. There were no misrepresentations made, nor have I misled the Board of Selectmen.
Now, if your intent is anything other than to clarify what happened and obtain the facts - then notice is required.
Furthermore, I ask that the Board investigate how information is being leaked to the public. I learned about Selectman Degen's intentions for this meeting from a town resident. When I inquired about this by contacting Mr. Degen by text, he tells me that he cannot "enlighten" me. I have already filed several harassment complaints with the Board to no avail. My complaints have never received the appropriate attention and investigation. I have never received a formal response form the Board. May I remind everyone that even though I am the Town Manager, I am still an employee of the Town of Groton and should be treated as such.
With regard to the issue of adding this matter to the agenda, I did inform the Board in my email below that the issue of the disclosure needed to be brought up. Although it is not part of the written agenda, I did inform the Board and Town Clerk that this needed to come up Monday night.
Mr. Degen's email and his refusal to provide me with information about tomorrow's meeting leads me to believe that there is more to this than meets the eye. I will not meet with Mr. Degen without witnesses present - at least not to discuss - this matter.
Thank you.
Mark W. Haddad
Town Manager