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There are three elements to the Lost Lake Fire protection plan, a plan developed by the Lost Lake Fire Protection Study Committee in August 2013. The plan calls for: First, construction of water main extensions on Lost Lake Dr., Pine Trail, Boston Rd., Lakeside Dr. and Summit Dr.; Second,...
Town Counsel David Doneski has advised the Board of Selectmen that the two selectmen that are under a potential investigation at the request of Town Manager Mark Haddad for unspecified reasons should be indemnified and allowed to hire their own counsel that will be paid for by the town. He noted...
After discussing the pros and cons of hiring a mediator to help the board resolve interpersonal disagreements with the goal of improving their ability to work together as a cohesive decision-making body, Selectmen decided to wait until after town meeting and the election to revisit the proposal....
As required by section 7-6 of the Charter, Selectmen voted to formally call for the creation of the Charter Review Committee. The Charter stipulates that Selectmen appoint three designees to the committee, the Finance Committee appoint two members, and the Moderator and the School committee each...
Groton Land Use Director Michelle Collette and Assessor Rena Swezey both wrote letters to Selectmen regarding the importance of the posting on the front and rear doors of a "Code of Conduct' that is targeted at visitors to the building. The letters were in response to the media reaction to the...
Martins Pond Road resident James Luening met with the Planning Board Thursday night and received a response to his complaint that the Board violated the Open Meeting Law at their meeting on March 5. Luening told the Board that this was a personal complaint that he filed on March 18 regarding the...
As Selectmen were preparing to take their positions on the remaining Spring Town Meeting money articles, one article - the Annual Operating Budget drew the most concern and potential lack of support from the Board. With increases growing on the municipal side as fast as revenues are coming in to...
This year, for the first time in memory, Selectmen Chairman will not lead the consolidation of input from fellow selectmen in the rollup of their comments for the annual review of Town Manager Mark Haddad. This is a deviation from the policy and procedure which is that the Town Manager conducts a...
With not a single business in the Four Corners area asking the town for municipal sewerage at their locations at the intersection of Route 119 and Sandy Pond Road, the potential for any effort to make this happen moved further and further from becoming the economic stimulus that some town officials...
At the opening of their meeting to address the need for selectmen to find ways to address the failure of trust among board members, Selectman Chair Degen said, "We need to work together in a much more cohesive manner, need to respect differing opinions in a cordial and polite way." Peter Cunningham...


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