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The Town Manager, Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee continue to discuss up to a half million dollar cut from the municipal side of the budget following errors in the 2009 Groton Dunstable Regional School District budget that, as it carried forward, is causing a projected $2.7M shortfall....
GELD manager Kevin Kelly announced that Groton Electric Light Department is contracting with New England Builders Inc. for construction of GELD's new office and garage facilities, saying he is thrilled with the substantial lowering of the project cost and adding he is optimistic construction of the...
Groton Planning Board met with local business owners to discuss proposed changes to business districts, the Schedule of Use Regulations and Schedule of Intensity Regulations. The meeting was part of the Board's working session in preparation for a series of zoning amendments that they plan to...
Prompted by the surprise $2,700,000 budget shortfall at the Groton Dunstable Schools, the Finance Committee asked Town Manager Mark Haddad, in conjunction with town department Heads, to prepare a list of possible cuts of half a million dollars to the town's 2015 municipal budget. Some or all of...
The Board of Selectmen voted to reject the sole bid of $1,000 for the old Center Fire Station on Station Avenue and to open a new Request for Proposal (RFP) for the former Odd Fellows Hall. Bidder Steve Webber owner of the adjacent parking lot and property across the street from the station, told...
Developers of the Groton Inn Property, 128 Main Street LLC, presented a lower-density version of their original concept plan, eliminating cottages planned for a location behind the new Groton Inn and replacing them with a farmhouse, with connected ells and a barn. The structure will contain the...
With only one bid received for the old Groton Center Fire Station on Station Ave, the Board of Selectmen at their Jan 27th meeting asked Town Manager Mark Haddad to go back to the contractors who had initially expressed interest in the historic station and ask them why they did not put in a bid....
Based on the recent Groton Water Department Commissioners decision to prohibit use of a herbicide to clear weed infestation from Baddacook Pond because it is a key source for the town water supply in Baddacook Well, and the angst expressed by residents who view the pond as a key recreational area,...
On Monday Town Manager Haddad called an emergency meeting of all Town Department heads to identify items in the municipal budget for cuts of as much as a half million dollars, these savings possibly needed to alleviate the budget shortfall at the Groton Dunstable Schools. The emergency meeting,...
The first Finance Committee hearings of individual town department budgets began on Saturday, Feb 1, starting with the Groton Police Department. Chief Donald Palma advised the Fin Com that he planned an adequate cushion in his budget to cover emergencies for unanticipated expenses, noting that the...


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