About 390 customers along Longley road were without power for almost three and a half hours starting at about 9:30 PM Saturday night, October 4. In a rare sequence of events leading to the outage, a wet tree branch fell on to electric lines on Longley Road just after Breakneck Road in such a way...
Dr. Kristen Rodriguez, new Superintendent of the Groton Dunstable Regional Schools, and a re-invigorated school committee, have found a new sense of purpose, given focus by creating a five-year strategic plan for the schools.
To help develop the new strategy, Dr. Rodriguez said a wide range of...
Groton Electric Light Department, Groton Water Department, Groton Sewer Department, and West Groton Water District were caught completely by surprise by proposed changes to Zoning Code by the Planning Board that if approved will seriously affect Groton's public utilities.
These local utilities...
After 105 years of purchasing electric power from remote producers for distribution to local ratepayers, GELD [Groton Electric Light Department] is evaluating serious proposals to bring significant electric generation capability within town borders. According to GELD Manager Kevin Kelly, recent...
Appearing somewhat concerned by the budget implications of the Groton-Dunstable Schools' unanticipated requests for substantially higher funding increases than the 2.1% increase he had budgeted for, Town Manager Mark Haddad announced that the schools want to increase their appropriation by between...
At last week's Selectmen's meeting, an article to restore funding for Groton's participation in the Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project was added to the warrant at the urging of Selectmen Chairman Josh Degen who reminded his colleagues that the mosquito project funding had been rescinded...
What started out as a usually routine approval of release of Executive Session minutes, turned into a discussion of who has responsibility for determining whether or not the minutes should be released and when there was no longer a reason to keep them private.
Selectmen can designate Town Manager...
In a confusing series of discussions, Selectmen first asked the Planning Board to sponsor an article to add Prescott School to the TCOD [Town Center Overlay District]. Then, at last week's Selectman's meeting [see front page story, Sept. 19], Selectmen seemed to reverse themselves saying they did...
The October 20 Annual Fall Town Meeting will address a number of articles involving public safety: from training in the Fire Department to the addition of a long-requested dispatcher for the Communications Center; to approval for data conversions of files in the Police Department based on 30-year-...
At last week's joint public hearing between Selectmen and Finance Committee, Town Manager Mark Haddad presented a draft of the upcoming warrant for the Oct 20 Fall Town Meeting and included his recommendations for spending additional revenues of $176,285 received by the town since spring town...