OBITUARY: Barbara Bruner
Barbara Temple Bruner, longtime Groton resident, died peacefully at her residence in Nashua, NH, on December 17, one day before her 90th birthday. She was the wife of the late Dr. John M.R. "Jack" Bruner, MD, who died in 2008. "Grotonians" since 1954, they were married for 58 years. Barbara was the fourth and youngest daughter of the late Marguerite (Mayberry) Temple, who was a Mayflower descendant of John Howland, and Dr. William Franklin Temple Jr. of Boston and East Pembroke. A 1941 graduate of the Brimmer & May School, she went on to major in Bio-Chemistry and Mathematics at UNH where she pledged Chi Omega Sorority.
After a merchandise training course and graduate work in history, she became Merchandising Director for the Filene's Branch Stores, a buyer for Lamson & Hubbard, served as Acting Personnel Director and Public Relations Manager at McLean Hospital, worked for the Red Cross Blood Bank, and for the Philadelphia Bulletin's national advertising department.
A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, Feb. 1, at 11 a.m. at First Parish Church in Groton.