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Andrew Hilton of Groton, a graduate of F W Parker Essential School, has been accepted into the Class of 2017 at Union College, Schenectady, NY. Douglas Rosa of Groton, a graduate of Groton-Dunstable Regional High School, has been accepted into the Class of 2017 at Union College, Schenectady, NY.
Louie Richard Berube, Jr. of Groton graduated from St. John's Preparatory School which held its 103rd Commencement exercises Sunday, May 19, 2013.
Rachel Benson of Groton earned a BA, Magna Cum Laude on May 11, 2013 when Keene State College's Commencement honored its biggest-ever graduating class. 1,219 degrees were awarded to 1,146 students.
Michael Adam Banville, of Dunstable, received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Finance Cum Laude when Bryant University held its 150th Commencement Saturday, May 18, 2013. Eva Claire Mahan, of Groton, received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Accounting Magna...
Robert R. Patenaude, of Dunstable, received a BS degree in Mathematics at Fitchburg State University's Commencement May 18, 2013.          Jennifer  A. Campbell, of Groton, received a MAT degree in English at Fitchburg State University's Commencement May 18, 2013.  Claire L. Gaipo, of Groton,...
Black Rock, a new film which is currently playing at Fresh Pond Cinema, features Groton actor Will Bouvier. The Los Angeles premiere was on May 8, a "mini" premiere took place on May 20 in Cambridge!  Will, a member of the Wellesley Summer Theatre ensemble, will open ion Thursday, May 23 in Dancing...
Samantha White graduated May 18, 2013 from University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine.  In June she will begin her three-year Pediatric Residency at Barbara Bush Children's Hospital at Maine Medical Center in Portland, ME. Dr. White is a 2005 Graduate of Groton Dunstable Regional...
Russell Byron-Kelly, a junior from Groton in the Design & Visual Communications program at Nashoba Valley Technical High School in Westford, and his date, Julia Phelps, a junior from Lowell in the Dental Assisting program, take part in Nashoba Tech's annual pre-prom promenade in the Performing...
Friends of Nashoba Valley Medical Center held their annual Mother's Day plant sale at the hospital Thursday May 9 with all proceeds benefiting the Student Scholarship Fund and COA Grants. Pictured from the left are President Louise Bresnahan, Norma Garvin, friend and helper Tom McDowell, Jan Dillon...
Groton-Dunstable sophomore Sophie Modzelewski (top) takes her turn at the long hitting contest during Groton Pool and Golf open House, and Anna Elliot and her grandson (bottom) had a fun day watching the activities. Photos by Robert Mingolelli.


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