Police Log

This image from February 1980 is a crime scene photo from an armed robbery at the old Cumberland Farms [Now Country Farms]. This old strip-mall style building has long-since been renovated and all the businesses have changed except the venerable and justly famous Groton House of Pizza. Photo courtesy Groton PD
Week of January 30, 2023
During the week of January 30, dispatch answered 1215 calls for service. The following is a summary of just a few of those calls.
Police officers responded to 13 abandoned 9-1-1 calls; most ended up being accidental dials on cell phones. The police department...
Week of January 23, 2023
During the week of January 23, dispatch answered 1264 calls for service. The following is a summary of just a few of those calls.
Police officers responded to 12 abandoned 9-1-1 calls; most ended up being accidental dials on cell phones. The police department...
Week of January 16, 2023
During the week of January 16, dispatch answered 1220 calls for service. The following is a summary of just a few of those calls.
Police officers responded to 11 abandoned 9-1-1 calls; most ended up being accidental dials on cell phones. The police department...
Week of January 9, 2023
During the week of January 9, dispatch answered 1215 calls for service. The following is a summary of just a few of those calls.
Police officers responded to 16 abandoned 9-1-1 calls; most ended up being accidental dials on cell phones. The police department...
Week of January 2, 2023
During the week of January 2, dispatch answered 1265 calls for service. The following is a summary of just a few of those calls.
Police officers responded to 14 abandoned 9-1-1 calls; most ended up being accidental dials on cell phones. The police department...
Dogs found/missing; 9
Dog bites; 5
Dangerous dog hearings; 1
Cats found/missing; 5
Bear sightings; 0 (hibernating, not really a sound sleep, just waiting for a stretch of warm days, anxious to get back to the bird feeders)
Deer Vs. Auto; 30
Raccoons; 1
Owls; 1
Goats; 1 (multiple sightings)
Week of December 26, 2022
During the week of December 26, dispatch answered 1266 calls for service. The following is a summary of just a few of those calls.
Police officers responded to 12 abandoned 9-1-1 calls; most ended up being accidental dials on cell phones. The police department...
December 12 through December 25
During the weeks of December 12 and December 19, dispatch answered 2556 calls for service. The following is a summary of just a few of those calls.
Police officers responded to 19 abandoned 9-1-1 calls; most ended up being accidental dials on cell phones. The...
Week of December 5, 2022
During the week of December 5, dispatch answered 1241 calls for service. The following is a summary of just a few of those calls.
Police officers responded to nine abandoned 9-1-1 calls; most ended up being accidental dials on cell phones. The police department...
Week of November 28, 2022
During the week of November 28, dispatch answered 1192 calls for service. The following is a summary of just a few of those calls.
Police officers responded to 9 abandoned 9-1-1 calls; most ended up being accidental dials on cell phones. The police department...