SCHOOLS REPORT: Nearly $60,000 Savings in Energy Costs Over 2 Years
According to a report presented to the School Committee by the Buildings and Grounds Department, the School District saved nearly $60,000 in energy costs over a two-year period through upgrades in heating systems and participation in a Groton Electric peak power program.
The report was presented at the Jan. 23 meeting of the School Committee by Steve Byrne,Superintendent of the Building and Grounds Department. Most savings resulted from conversion of heating systems from oil heat to gas heat at the Prescott School and Swallow Union School.
Byrne reported that two years ago the District invested in a gas heating system that replaced the oil heat in the Prescott School building. In the ensuing year, Byrne said heating costs at Prescott School went from $31,000 to $10,000 - a savings of $21,000. The savings were significant he noted. Last year, the School District invested in a gas heating system at Swallow Union
School which replaced the oil heating system there. In the year following that investment, Byrne noted that heating costs at the Swallow Union School went from $58,000 a year to $27,000 a year - a savings of $31,000. Again, the savings were significant. The savings do not factor in the initial investment for installing the new heating systems
which could be in the range of $20,000 to $25,000 in each building. National Grid gave the School District a $5,000 rebate on the conversion for the Prescott School and a $6,000 rebate on the conversion at Swallow Union School.
Bryne reported that a new gas heating system was installed in Florence Roche School last September and National Grid gave the district a $6,000 rebate for the conversion. Byrne told the school committee that not enough time has lapsed to calculate what the fuel savings will be at Florence Roche School.
Byrne also reported that the School District entered what is called the SHED LOAD program with Groton Electric Light Department. The SHED LOAD program is designed to keep electric usage in town down during peak load hours which normally occur during the coldest days in the winter and the warmest days in the summer. According to Byrne, the School District actively participates during summer months when schools are not in session. Byrne reported that last summer the School District shut off power at the high school three times. Each time, the power was shut off after 3 p.m. and lasted between one and two hours. For such participation, the School District received a check from the Light Department for $5,800.
Byrne said in the coming months, new lamps will be installed at the high school and middle school north and installation of these lamps is expected to result in a 12 percent reduction in energy costs. The school district received the lamps for the high school and middle school north free through a MASS SAVE program.
It is estimated that the school district saved approximately $10,000 by obtaining them through the program. Byrne noted in his report that the school district will purchase these lamps for installation in Florence Roche School later this year.