Registration for G-D Youth Lacrosse Season
Registration for 2013 Lacrosse season for new/returning players opens Fri., Oct. 19 for all lacrosse offerings including Stick League, Girls MBGLL, and Boys PYLL teams. Children in first-eighth grade can register for spring season. Younger children, ages 4-7, can register for Stick League program, a fun based introduction to lacrosse and co-ed instructional league. All players must register by Dec. 01 to be placed on a team. If interested in coaching lacrosse, we are accepting coach and assistant coach applications. We're interested in people who have coaching experience as well as those new to the game but would like to get involved. Prior to season's start Feb. 24 we will present opportunities for new coaches to obtain training on game rules and expected coaching conduct. Register or apply for coaching positions at